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Business Loan - Rates & Charges

Fatafatfinance Business Loans ensure that your finance needs are met promptly and that your can focus on business growth without worrying for day-to-day business expense needs. Fatafatfinance Business Loans are available at attractive rates. Here’s a glance at the charges levied upon your A Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) Loan: As per your finance requirement.

Business Loan: Fees & Charges

Read the fees and charges in detail before applying for our business loan.

Type of Fee Aplicable Charges
Rate of Interest : 15 to 36% p.a.
Loan Processing Charges : Upto 2% of Sanctioned Amount + GST
Cheque / ACH Return Charges : ₹ 500/- + GST per instance
Cheque / ACH Swapping Charges Duplicate No-dues Certificate : ₹ 500/- + GST per instance
ForeClosure letter ₹ 500/- + GST per instance
Penal Interest : 3% p.m. on the overdue amount for the overdue period or Rs. 1000/- per day, whichever is higher
Prepayment / Foreclosure : UPTO 4% + GST* (Approval required)
Loan Cancellation : Interest will be charged for the Interim period between date of Disbursement & date of loan cancellation

Factor affecting Fee & Charges

The fees and charges associated with business loans can vary based on several factors. These factors include:

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Loan Amount, Term and Type

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Business history

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Credit score

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Market conditions